Can you believe it?

It's the last day of March. This month has flown. Seems like yesterday that I was just returning from February's cross-country jaunt and now my University of MemphisTigers are in the Final Four. I have yet to watch a game and trust God to take them all the way. Altogether now, Go, Tigers, Go! Go on to victory, be a winner through and through.....

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day and also the day I started in my graphic design job at MLGW about 30 years ago. I've always thought that was kind of appropriate. :) I do love my job, though. There are just some days when I'd rather be playing in garden dirt or washing my car or stamping something or creating art or writing in my blog. Or finishing all those projects so I can open the Pazzles box! Yep. Still sitting here mocking me. I know you're thinking, "How does she have such will power? What a strong woman!" What a stupid woman! What was I thinking when I swore to get those projects in the mail before I opened my new toy? Who knows?

On a higher note, my bud Roxi called today and told me to go online to Amazon. I did a search for a couple of books we worked on in the Red Lips for Courage Make it in Minutes series and discovered that I am the cover girl for the Make it in Minutes: Last Minute Gifts book. The cover project is probably one of my favorites, a little cookbook that makes a great house warming or bridal shower gift. There is no publishing date yet, although I'm thinking it should be out by Christmas. The Make it in Minutes Wreaths book will be out September 2. If anyone is interested, you can pre-order and they'll send as soon as they come in. Be sure to check out Roxi Phillips' two books in this series as well, Mini Books and Party Favors and Hostess Gifts.

By the way, I recently purchased Marie Browning's new book, Creative Collage: Making Memories in Mixed Media. I haven't had time to really read it thoroughly, but it appears to be a great book. Great projects. Great photography. You can get it on Amazon as well.

Well, freelance work is calling me. Have a great week! Go, Tigers!


Michelle W said…
I volenteer to come over and open your new toy for you:D

Congrats on begin a COVER GIRL!!! I will go and look sometime today and see what you have on the cover.

Well it is the first day of the month so that means a crazy day at the paying job.

Congrats on being at MLGW for 30 years. What a day to start a job is that saying sometthing? :D
Michelle W said…
Okay I saw it!!! Very nice work Candice. But what else would I except.
tricia said…
Congratulations on the cover! I feel so blessed to have such talented friends to inspire me.
I’m thinking Michelle and I could come warm up that Pazzle together for you. No problem. ;)
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your cover! What a thrill!

Postage can't be that much on a Pazzles. Obviously you're too busy to use it, so I also volunteer to take it off your hands for you. You'll feel so much better without it mocking you like that. ;)
Subriagirl said…
I can't believe you haven't opened the Pazzle yet! I'm with Trish & Michelle...we'll HELP you out with it! Congratulations on being the COVER girl! I'll have to go take a know I'll have to buy it if it's got anyone I know in it!
Huggs, Ronnie
Congratulations on being the covergirl!!! I need to check it out. Go tigers...

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