Sew & Sew Sewing Box

This is what I started with. It was pretty banged up and headed for the garbage. Welcome to the Ann Butler EZ De's Blog hop! Go to the link at the bottom to hop through and see what other designers have done with Ann's beautiful stamps. I love the adage, "A place for everything, and everything in it's place." That was the motto of my eighth grade Home Economics teacher, Mrs. Coker, who tried to pry open our 13-year-old brains and pour in her knowledge of a lifetime. At the time, I thought she was a silly old lady, but now I wish I had paid more attention in her class. I love an organized house and have had that happen once or twice, but I always have another project on the horizon, and if you're a crafter, you know that you can clean and organize your workspace, but the minute you get out the supplies to make one card, it looks like Hobby Lobby threw up. That's why I'm constantly trying to corral the little pieces of a bigger projects in on...