Oh, what a beautiful morning!

Such a gorgeous day here in Brighton, Tennessee! I'm stuck inside finishing up projects for my not-very-soon-to-be-released book, but I have all the windows and blinds wide open, just enjoying this super-dooper 60°+ weather.

That little daffodil/buttercup/whatever is blooming at the edge of our driveway. We dug these up almost 24 years ago from an old homestead. They need to be separated, but still bloom their little hearts out every year.

I also have tulips, daylillies, hydrangea, hostas and Jacob's Tears pushing up through my front bed. I don't think the back one will survive the doggy feet that have trampled the lilies and roses around the deck. I haven't even checked the blueberry bushes and know I have to prune my grapes soon, plus, we're moving the garden this year and should have already had that ready to go. I have such a rough life! :)

Don't forget to pop back in Sunday for another Designer Crafts Connection Blog Hop! We're all posting wedding projects. Do you think Prince William and his bride might jump in for a look? The winner of the Cricut Expression will also be announced that day. If you're in the running or want to get in on it(see post for March 3 for details), be sure to drop by Julie McGuffee's blog to see if you're the winner.

Now go outside and thank God for His glorious creation and all the blessings in your life...then hug someone you love!


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