Second Monday's First Monday Post

Confusing? Not really. The Designer Crafts Connection is usually on the first Monday of each month, but with the holidays, everything was thrown off kilter. This month's subject is journaling. There are so many ways to journal and so many different types of books to use. I can't walk into Barnes and Noble without admiring the beautiful leather, paper or fabric covered book...and then spending most of the time there talking myself out of taking several home. And some journals aren't books, just a cigar box of scattered flotsam and jetsam to be searched each time you want to refer back to whatever it was you wanted to save. We'll hold boxes for another post down the road. Speaking of flotsam and jetsam, the origin of the term is early 17th century Anglo-Norman French, and it means ..'the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on or washed up by the sea..." or "...(figurative) people or things that have been rejected and are regarded as worthless....