Skeletons in My Closet

Welcome to the All Things Altered Blog Hop! It's getting close to the bewitching time of year, and while I'm not a big Halloween fan, I am a fan of wonderful quotations. When I saw this quote by George Bernard Shaw: "If you can't get rid of the skeletons in your closet, you'd better make sure they can dance," I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I had been hoarding these little 6" skeletons for a couple of years and I think I bought them as a garland at Dollar Tree. They've been sitting in my Favorite Stash Drawer (yes, it's all caps because everything in there is just that important), waiting for me to take them out to dance (no pun intended). Larry and I are junk store junkies and a few weeks ago we went to a row of them in Memphis, just spending the day browsing. I went in one and immediately turned around and came back out. The proprietor laughed at me because he knew I was afraid of the 16' stack of junk on either si...