Heavy Metal Blog Art

Well, not really heavy metal, but metal at any rate. Today's blog hop is sponsored by ImpressArt Metal Stamps, one of my favorite companies. I took a class with Theresa Cifali, the Queen of Metal Art, in Anaheim and I am hooked. You might ask, "If you're so enamored with ImpressArt Metal Stamps, why don't you have anything made with their products or anything about it on your blog?" And I might answer, "I was supposed to, but have been under the weather this last week (y'all know I never do anything early) and had to bow out. BUT bowing out doesn't mean down and out. I'll have a post up this week using their products." In the meantime, click on the Designer Crafts Connection button at left to begin your hopping and be sure to enter the contest to win: Tah Dah!!