I Love Autumn!

I just walked outside and realized that this may be the perfect autumn day. There's a little nip in the air and a little breeze, but the sun is warm and everything is so full of color. We're expecting thunderstorms this week, so most of the color may be gone by the end of the week. That's why I love having my digital camera to record these moments without worrying about the number of photos I take or number of prints I need to store. Plus, there's that whole instant gratification thing. I also love the new Fall Digital Scrapbook Kit from Duetica Lettering Arts Studio which is being unveiled this week. It has several papers and textures, plus ribbons, buttons and a really cute scarecrow. I used it to create this two-page layout documenting a recent trip we made to the wine country of Missouri. Be sure click the Designer Crafts Connection button on the left to hop over the entire Designer Crafts Connection bloghop which features autumn-inspired projects, and be sure to ...