It's been a long time....

I can't believe I haven't posted anything on this blog for more than a month. Of course, that's better than when I began blogging and updated once a year, whether I needed to or not! My friend Karen Gaulke and her hubby recently had a precious baby girl, Katherine Marie Gaulke. There are several designers who contribute to the Memory Makers blog and we all wanted to send Karen gifts, but since we are scattered all over the country, getting together all at once was a little bit of a problem. Our solution was to have a surprise online shower for Karen. Today at 11 a.m. EST, Karen, who is on maternity leave, will be notified that there is a problem with the website and asked to log on to see if she can solve it. That's when she will see a post from the participating designers with the handmade gifts that will be coming her way. My gift is a decorated one gallon paint can, designed to hold memories from Baby Katherine's first year which will not fit in a scrapbook, such...