My love affair with Prismacolor pencils...

I adore Prismacolor pencils. I especially love new ones. They have that same sort of scent that a new box of Crayolas has. And while we're on the Crayola subject, I must confess that I bought five - count'em - five big boxes when they announced that they were changing colors. haven't touched them. The tips are just a perfect as they day they came off the assembly line. But I digress....
This morning I saw a post on Technique Junkies about Prismacolors, so of course I had to throw in my 2 cents. Those of you who know me personally know that I always have an opinion. May not be a good one, but it's all mine.
Anyway, I got several e-mails about a technique I described so am posting a down and dirty, quick and rough sample in a mini tutorial. Please excuse the rough coloring. I was in a hurry (That's my middle name – Candice Iwasinahurry Windham).

Step 1. This is just the basic stamped image. The image is a retired Stampin'Up! stamp.

Step 2. I colored the darkest parts of the image with Indigo Blue.

Step 3. I colored over the blue with Tuscan Red and extended the edges of the darkest areas a bit.

Step 4. This is a little tricky to see. I colored the entire image with the natural colors I would have used: Hot Pink, Pale Vermillion, Green Bige (Do you think they meant "Bilge"?) and Sand. I left the left side unburnished. I burnished the right side on the flower with white. See how the colors blend? I then went over some of the darker areas with just a bit of blue. The background on the right is blended with nail polish remover using a small paint brush.

One last colored pencil tip: When you sharpen them for the first time, be sure to sharpen the end with no printing. That way, you''ll still have the name and know what to buy when you get down to a nub on your favorite color.

One more tip (I lied about one last tip): You can purchase little metal pencil extenders at any art supply store to hold that last little bit of a colored pencil nub.

If you have any questions, please post in comments or e-mail me.

Thanks for looking!

NOTE: My server is not letting me preview. If this post is whomperjawed, I apologize! Candice


Michelle W said…
All of us that know love you and can over look the typos. Great little coloring class. I do want to learn how to color. RockCandy needs to have classes.
Jan Hoyt said…
Wow, there little Ms Candice "Iwasinahurry" is it that this is the first time I have seen your incredible blog? LOVE the Prisma tips...I always knew you were the "Queen'oWC'ing" but this spectacular!

I am bookmarking your blog so I can come back and spy on your blogging adventures from time to time! So, are you leaving Jane on her own for convention? I saw her on the list for the SCS dinner and sent her a PM to save me a seat as I don't think I'll know anyone there either. You take care, now! Jan
p.s. you're not the ONLy blogger, just the better of the two of us. Check me out at when you have a minute. ;-)
Hetty said…
Great lesson! And I have the stamp, so I am going to try this!!
Barb Hardeman said…
Great tutorial Candice. Thanks for making is so easy and followable!!
Mari said…
You made me want to pull out my pencils and try again. Now that's a first!
Oh, and, Whomperjawed? I love it!
Dianne Adams said…
I so enjoyed your post Candice. Not only was it a great tutorial but I loved the new vocab word! Hope you're doing well.
Maritza said…
Thanks for sharing; I am going to try to do this… I am not sure what you meant by burnish with the white and then a little nail polish remover… lots to learn
Veronica said…
Wonderful tutorial Candice!
Sounds like a homework lesson to me! On our trip to CHA, I'll have to have several images to play with since I'll have THE master queen herself! Oh boy..I can see the head swelling as I type! Ronnie
Candice Windham said…
Thanks for all the comments, Ladies! And yes, Ronnie, y'all make my head swell.

Whomperjawed is Southern thang. It's my DH Larry's favorite comment about my art when things are a little off-kilter. Now there's another Southern thang for you! :)
Jan...we'll be at Red lead next Wednesday the 16th around noon. Care to join us? Yes, I'm leaving Janey to sleep with someone else this convention. I'm sure she will find someone on the know what a stamp tramp she is.

Janey, If you're reading this, you know I'm kidding. I'm a stamp tramp too...just don't find my sleeping partner on the internet.

For those who wonder what kind of blog you've stumbled into, Jan, Jane and I have hung out at almost every StampinUp convention for the last six years. Jane always finds her roomates on the internet, so we tease her about sleeping around. I'm not able to attend this year so Jan and Jane will have to muddle through without me.

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