Has it been that long?

I can't believe my last post was April 30. What a terrible blogger I am!

In all fairness, things have been hoppin' here at the Windham household. Larry has been on a world tour...well, Minnesota anyway, and is now in yet an another band, which means we see each other only in passing during early evening.

Roxi and I had a soft opening of our new online store, RockCandy Designs, at Artiscape in Jackson, Tennessee this past weekend and it was a great success. We'll be up and running online at www.rockcandydesignsonline.com on August 1. We carry hard-to-find items for the mixed media artist and are stocked with the trinkets and treasures we use in our own art.

Roxi and I will also be teaching a cool class at the Memphis Botanic Garden, Saturday, July 26. The all-day class will feature a two-part project which will include a beautiful book made with glassine envelopes and tags with a collaged cigar box to hold it. Check out the class list at www.memphisbotanicgarden.com.

In my spare time I've been trying to get things ready for summer CHA as well as work on projects for Artistic Outpost and ScraPerfect design teams. I tried to attach some of the projects for Artistic Outpost here, but my photo-posting skills must be challenged today. I'll try to add some later tonight.

Have a fun-filled day!


Michelle W said…
Glad to see your password still works...I am thrilled that you guys made such a big splash into the market.
Anonymous said…
Yippee!! She posts! I've been checking your blog forever, and wondering what you've been up to.

See you at CHA!

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