Everything Old is New Again...

...sounds like a good line for a song. Oops! It's already a line in a song, but it explains the Designer Crafts Connection Blog Hop for September. The theme is "vintage" and you can apply that any way you like. My take on it was to use items I had collected in my stash that I'd had for more than five years. The only exception was the DCWV Timeless Stack paper slab that I picked up on sale last week.

My project began with an upcycled panel, a $2 yard sale find, which had already been upcycled from being a cabinet door to a welcome sign. I cut out the center, added mulberry paper, Sophisticated Finishes copper paint, Krylon-painted chicken wire, foam board and beautiful paper for a jewelry hanger that is not only practical, but adds a nice vintage look to my bedroom and keeps some of the jewelry handy that I wear most often.

Here's how I did it:
This is the original piece.

• Cabinet door or picture frame
• Mulberry paper
• Sophisticated Finishes paint, copper
• Chicken wire
• Krylon Spray Paint, Satin Black
• Aluminum Rods, cut into 1 1/2" pieces (K&S Engineering)
• Patterned paper (DCWV Timeless Type Stack)
• Stazon Ink Pad, Black
• Stamps, Inkadinkadoo and B Line
• Beacon Zip Dry Adhesive
• Paint brush
• Heavy-duty staple gun
• Heavy-duty double-stick tape
• Needle nose pliers
• Drill
• Jigsaw
• Black pennant trim (Paper Dreams Factory)

1. Drill and cut center panel with jigsaw. Sand cut edges.

I cut the center away from the frame.
2. Tear mulberry paper and apply to frame using Sophisticated Finishes paint as adhesive. Wrap to inside to cover any rough edges. Allow to dry, then apply Stazon black ink to frame front to highlight rough surface. Stamp swirls with Stazon Ink. Attach black pennant trim with Beacon Zip Dry adhesive.

3. Cut chicken wire 3" wider and taller than opening. Spray paint black, allow to dry, then attach to backside of frame with staple gun.

4. Cut black foam board the same size as the chicken wire. Adhere patterned paper to foam board.

Use the paint as an adhesive.
5. Cut small squares of black foamboard to fit inside wire openings. Stack two pieces together and adhere to frame back, 1" from inside frame using double stick tape. Attach paper/foamboard to stacked foamboard with double-stick tape. (This creates a space between the wire and backing so that you can hang small hooks to hold jewelry.)

Make S hooks, then paint them black
6. Use needle nose pliers to bend aluminum wire into s hooks. Attach to  chicken wire, then crimp one side to hold in place.

7. Add eye screws and wire hanger. Hang and enjoy.

Be sure to click on the Designer Ctafts Connection Button (above, left) to hop to other blogs for more vintage inspiration!

••••••• FREE STUFF •••••••

Beginning September 8, there will be a blog hop with Designer Crafts Connection sponsored by Crafty KT, the KOOL TAK™ Manufacturer Challenge: Fabulously-Fall Blog Hop, Sept. 8 -18.
Join us and visit the blogs of 12 professional and creative craft designers as we show you how to create some great fall projects with Kool Tak™ products. Make sure to enter the The Kool Tak™ giveaway, which is valued at about $70.
• Kool Tak™ 1 Layer Perfect Tool, used for centering, piercing, and edge stitching
• Kool Tak™ 1 Shiny Transfer Foil Sheets (Earth Tones)
• Kool Tak™ Clear Foam tape ¼ x ¼ x 1/32” thick
• Kool Tak™ Clear Foam tape 3/16 x 1/16 thick by 1.6 yards
• Kool Tak™ Premium EXTREME 2 ½ x 27 yards
One lucky winner will be chosen from those who sign up for the newsletter, and you only need to enter once.
Only those with a mainland USA shipping address are eligible to win the giveaway.
Now, go hug your sweetie and enjoy your Labor Day!

• Beacon Zip Dry Adhesive was donated ( This was the last unopened bottle of an assortment that I've had for almost five years. What does that tell you about this great product?).
• The beautiful earrings in the upper right corner of the top photo were made for me by my bud, the über-talented Veronica Goff.


Ann Butler said…
Love your project and agree Beacon Adhesives have great products....
Unknown said…
I picked up some cabinet doors in Canton, TX about eight years ago ... what a great idea! You do beautiful work, Candice. :)
Barbara Rankin said…
This is a fantastic project, Candice. It is beautiful and functional. You are one clever artist.
Beautiful project! Thanks for a great tutorial!

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