It's stealing...

I just saw an email from Jen Cushman, CHA Designer, about stealing on the internet. These are some great guidelines for keeping on the straight and narrow. The source was Fast Company at

1. If you don't add context, or opinion, or voice and simply lift content, it's stealing.

2. If you don't provide attribution, and a link back to the source, it's stealing.

3. If you take a large portion of the original content, it's stealing.

4. If someone asks you not to curate their material, and you don't respect that request, it's stealing.

5. Respect published rights. If images don't allow creative commons use, reach out to the image creator--don't just grab it and ask questions later.
This being said, I realized that I have been doing an injustice to some of my sources, one in particular. Using a technique that you learned from someone else is not actually listed in these rules, but it was a wake-up call for me.

When I use a technique or idea from someone else, I sometimes add a link in my text, but always add credits at the bottom of my blog. It just occurred to me that some might not read the fine print at the bottom.

With that being said, I know of one particular infraction. It was my June 6, 2011 posting for the Designer Craft Connection Blog Hop. The project used a rusty technique that I learned from Shelly Hickox. I credited her in the fine print, but not in the blog main copy.

So here's to you, Shelly! I love this technique and really appreciate you sharing it. You can see Shelly's gorgeous work at


Shelly Hickox said…
Oh Candice, you don't owe me an apology at all!! Do you mean the technique I taught at stamp club? That was from Tim's first book, lol!! But, you really did your own thing with it so it doesn't look like you're stealing anything at all to me. I DO appreciate your post tho - I have actually had quite a few people 'borrow' ideas without any linking or credit, and it can be incredibly hurtful. You are amazing - you have nothing at all to be sorry for! :)

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