Back from CHA

I returned from the Craft and Hobby Convention and Tradeshow Sunday after a week of getting my art fix with people who understand my way of thinking. You know the one: when you see a box or bottle or some unusual packing materials in the trash, you immediately see all the possibilities of an artistic creation, and the desire to take it home overcomes the embarrassment of diving head-first into a trash can that you would never touch when in your right mind.

My friends Laurie and Barbara went with me, and we had a blast checking out new products, taking classes and eating yummy Chicago food.

This time, I saw a lot of new products. Maybe they aren't new, but are at least new to me. Check out my CHA report at

No, go hug someone you love, but not too long because it's hot. The heat index in Memphis was 121° yesterday with more expected today. I think I'll make sweet tea and chill.


craftymum said…
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craftymum said…
Hi candace
I tried your link but it came up page not found
Sarah X

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