I finally finished the velvet purse I've been wrestling with for two days. Then I started digging through the crappage in my studio and discovered two more projects that I can include in my designer showcase at CHA.
Unfortunately I have to work today at my part-time job that makes it possible for me to play. At least it's still creating. It's just in graphic design. You don't get to use a lot of Glimmer Mist and Grungboard in graphic design, although I do manage to squeeze the fun stuff in occasionally.
Be sure to check out the Paper Creations website for a RockCandy Designs project using Artistic Outpost stamps. (And check out the AO website for Robyn's new stamps. Way Cool!) Roxi Phillips and I had a fun day creating this frame for the hero in your life.

Speaking of heroes, I had a flat on the way home Tuesday night. It was dark and on a two-lane road (Austin Peay for those in the Memphis area). With all my mega-problems with my back, I knew there was no way I could change the tire...so I called my hubby who was at home in a warm, dry house, surfing ebay. He promptly got up and came to my rescue. No complaints. No questions. No nothing. (I found out later that he did call my brother in law who lives not far from where I was stranded ...he has pneumonia. Please pray for him.) Anyway, Roxi stayed on the cell phone with me while I waited for Larry. I'm sure if a serial killer had approached my car, she could have reached through the phone and jerked a knot in his tail for me. Anyway, when I told Larry he was my knight in shining armor, he said, "More like your Nemesis in a tree."...whatever that means. Anyway, I'm thankful to have him. That is the first flat I have had since 1968, when I was a student at MSU and way before I met Larry.
It's cold and rainy today, so I'm glad to be inside, even if it is in an office.
Please excuse typos. I'm an artist, not a typist.


Roxi Phillips said…
That's right, damnit! Don't mess with MY friend! I'll getcha :)
Michelle W said…
I found you!!! HA HA

Love U

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